Well Log Digitization and conversion is one of the leading technologies we utilize as it comprises the data backbone in petroleum industry. By using well log data the user may be able to calculate: Shale volume (Vsh), Water saturation (Sw), Porosity (φ), Permeability (k), Elasticity (σ,Al,Sl,etc.), reflectivity coefficient(R) etc. We focus on delivering powerful access to your data, so that you can focus on your core business. We make your process cost effective by handling this section of work. Our mission is to provide top quality services to our clients using the most efficient & responsive customer oriented approach. Our cost is so competitive, no matter if you contact us for a single well or for data in bulk.
DENSITY LOG: Compensated Neutron Formation Density (CNFD ,CNLD,CND)- CALIPER-CALX/CALI, CAL1, CAY/CAL2, HCAL, DC,C1,C2, Density-RHOB, HD, HDMI, HDMY, POS, PDS, POL, PDL, POD, Density/PE log(photo electric), Density porosity (DPHI), Neutron porosity (NPHI), Density Correction(DCOR,ZCOR). Pulsed neutron log (TDT, PDK logs), Activation GST, ECS, RST logs, Neutron magnetic logs, Gamma Ray (GR), Spontaneous Potential (SP).
RESISTIVITY LOG : Induction log/IND, Lateral log, Array log, Electric log, Azimuth /DLL- ID, IM, FR, AIT 10-Shallow125, AIT 20-Shallow, AIT30-Medium, AIT60-DEEP, AIT90-DEEP, SN, LN, LT, NN, LLS, LLD, MFR/RXOZ, IL, AT/AF, AO, Micro Resistivity (DB1, DB1A, DB2, DB2A, DB3, DB3A, DB4, DB4A), GR and SP.
SONIC LOG: BHCS, Dipole, Full wave sonic log- DT/AU, DTCO, PR, DT4S, DTSM,DT4P, DTSH, DTRP, DTXX, Sonic slowness logs, GR and SP.
Mechanical, Hydraulic and engineering parameters are taken: Depth, ROP (Rate of penetration), RPM, WOB, Torque, Drilling Mud parameters, T-Gas etc.
Measurement While Drilling (MWD), Logging While Drilling LWD,
Formation Evaluation While Drilling(FEWD)
MWD/LWD LOG, CDR LOG, Proximity log, Temperature, Gamma Ray Spectroscopy log, Natural Gamma RAY- HFK 719, HTHO, HURA, HCGR HSRR.
Micro lateral log- RLA1 220, RLA2 220, RLA3 220, RLA4, RLA5,
LATERAL LOG- AO 8” (LT 08), AO 18” (LT 18).
Dual spacing thermal or Neutron decay time log- GR, TPHI, SIGM, RATI (TRAI).
English 1”=100ft, 2”=200ft, 2.5”=100ft, 5”=100ft, 10”=100ft, 25”=100ft, 60”=100ft
Metric 1:10, 1:20, 1:48, 1:50, 1:100, 1:120, 1:200, 1:240, 1:480, 1:500, 1:600, 1:1000, 1:1200
Curves | Standard Units | |
... | Feet | Meter |
TENS | LBS | ... |
NEUT | V/V | V/V |
RHOB | G/C3 | K/M3 |
DEN | G/C3 | K/M3 |
DRHO | G/C3 | K/M3 |
SP | MV | MV |
H-GAS, | KG | KPPM |
ROP | FT/H(feet/hour) | MIN/M |
PEF | V/V | B/E |
T-GAS | KG | TC/CC |
R. S. Datum replaces a digitizer tablet. Sometimes it is necessary to extract data values from graphs, e.g. in most scientific publications only plots but no data values are published. Digitization makes it easy to actually get back numbers from such a plot, this is a step-by-step process wherein first of all analog images are imported and saved with the suitable extensions. Thereafter by using the latest internationally preferred digitizing systems, it is scaled and defined under the required axes, then digitized and out put is received in ASCII format that is LIS, LAS with different versions.
Our digitizing solution provides the option of merging multiple runs of the same curve within a log into one LAS file. In addition, curves from multiple files may be appended into a single LAS report or any ASCII format. Separate LAS file for each curve in a log can be produced too.
Warped and poor image files are corrected and produced quality log images and digital data.
Our Quality Control activity goes through different stages as our expertise and log analysts use comprehensive set of tools which provide overall measure of quality score of data. It includes checks for Pixel Overlay, Spikes, Gaps and Depth Gridding for verification of LAS data overlay quickly. The LAS report summarizes your data to check for norms.
All Log Header Information is captured under our digitizing solution.
Usually All Header Information are Captured as per Customers’ directions. (Above are just examples.)
Dipmeter log were developed to resolve the “3-points define a plane” problem in a single well bore by measuring some physical property. Dipmeter and image logs have evolved from primitive beginnings to become an essential and accurate log for assessing structure and stratigraphy of reservoir rocks. Identification of fracture intensity and fracture orientation are another important use of these logs.
Types of Dipmeter:
SDIP- Structural Dip (Geodip)
SDAZ-Structural Dip Azimuth (Geodip)
DDQR- Dip Dispersion Quality Rating (SHDT) Superfluous.
Following are usually traced at Multi-Linear scale but sometimes there are Tadpoles on Linear scale too.
P1AZ (Pad 1 Azimuth)
DEVI, HDEV (Deviation)
DAZI (Borehole Azimuth)
LDIP (Local Dipmeter)
High Quality Tadpoles (Filled-dark), Low Quality (Light-blank), One Tail, Two-Tail, Arrow.
Old style Neutron Log/ Gamma-Gamma Log or Sidewall Neutron (SNP) which recorded the Gamma ray count rates in count per second (cps). These are obsolete now and there is a need to convert them into modern Density & Porosity units (g/cc, φ) to make them useful for the petrophysicist.
We make this conversion possible by using Semi-Logarithmic approach and High porosity- Low porosity method, equations, graphs and charts.
Our experience for more than a decade in Geographical Mapping is pushing us to become a well known and reputed service provider in this field. We endeavor to provide best quality output to companies requiring help in getting spatial information mapped and interpreted. At R S Datum, our expertise have depth of knowledge of data mapping, feature extraction or compilation, management of information and integrating enterprises through GIS expertise.
We try our best to help you obtaining the best type of Digital Imagery, whether it is Arial Photography of Satellite Imagery. Our services include Land Cover Mapping, Utility Mapping, Tax Parcel Mapping, Thematic Mapping, Topographic Mapping, Contour Mapping, Cartographic Mapping, Road Network, Topo Sheets Analysis, Mapping for street navigation system, Ortho photographs rectification, Flood insurance rate mapping, Contour Digitization for Terrain Analysis, Soil and land use for agriculture, wetlands, airport, highway and Rail Mapping.
Our GIS Mapping services help in these areas: Forestry, Water management, Telecom, Power Distribution, Gas and Oil pipeline, Agriculture, Governmental schemes for developments for different Provinces and regions etc.
Inputs which are generally accepted: Geo TIFF, JPEG2000, MrSID, netCDR,
General outputs required by our global clientele: AutoCAD DXF, Cartesian Coordinate System(XYZ), Digital Line Graph (DLG), EsriTIN, GeoMedia, ISFC, MapInfo TAB format & The most popular these days- SHAPE File, Spatial data file, Vector Product Format (VPF), World file e.g. JPEG, BMP etc., Dual Independent Map Encoding (DIME) -Ob, Well known text (WKT)
Grid formats for elevation: GTOPO30, DTED, GeoTIFF, SDTS.
Software used: AutoCAD, ERDAS Imagine, ArcGIS, MapINFO, Global Mapper.