DIPMETER (Tadpoles)
Dipmeter log were developed to resolve the “3-points define a plane” problem in a single well bore by measuring some physical property. Dipmeter and image logs have evolved from primitive beginnings to become an essential and accurate log for assessing structure and stratigraphy of reservoir rocks. Identification of fracture intensity and fracture orientation are another important use of these logs.
Types of Dipmeter:
- SP Dipmeter log and Photoclinometer
- 3-Arm Continuous Dipmeter and Photoclinometer (CMD)
- Stratigraphic-High resolution Dipmeter (SHDT)
SDIP- Structural Dip (Geodip)
SDAZ-Structural Dip Azimuth (Geodip)
DDQR- Dip Dispersion Quality Rating (SHDT) Superfluous.
A few examples:
Following are usually traced at Multi-Linear scale but sometimes there are Tadpoles on Linear scale too.
P1AZ (Pad 1 Azimuth)
DEVI, HDEV (Deviation)
DAZI (Borehole Azimuth)
LDIP (Local Dipmeter)
High Quality Tadpoles (Filled-dark), Low Quality (Light-blank), One Tail, Two-Tail, Arrow.